Minggu, 16 September 2012


Hallo. . .semua. uda pada tau kan MIPA SHOW tu kayak apa? Belum?! #ndeso wkwkwk... peace.. ^^v
Oke, ini adalah moment-moment saat MIPA SHOW 1st, dimana itu?? Yupz, betul banget. Ini saat kita, anak biologi jadi tuan rumah. Mau tau kegokilan yang terjadi?? Check this out. . .

This is KIMIA’s performences    
 and it is TOM CAT from MEC mathematic
 This is demonstration ala physic 

                                                      they are the commentators. . .

And the last. . .yupz... sang tuan rumah. . .BIOLOGY’s performences ^^ jeng-jeng.....

This is Biology’s ChiBi ^^     
             and this is Biology’s Suju n_n

Di Mipa Show kita bisa gaul bareng bule juga lhoh...xixixixi >o<
see you next posting....... ^o^9
Be The Winner!!!!
by: wiji (staff InfoHum)

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